Enjoy a look through our past Senior Living Award winners. Our goal is to ensure that these outstanding people get the recognition that they so rightfully deserve, so help us celebrate employees of the month and retirement home award winners who improve the lives of older people every day. You can join our email list to be notified of the most recent winners. Take a few minutes to complete our convenient online form today and you can help us salute excellence in senior living.
May 4, 2022
Boss of the Quarter May 2022 I am very fortunate to be able to work for Jeff. He finds it VERY important to reward his employees to keep everyone motivated and engaged. Jeff was the ED at our sister property before taking a position as ED at this new property. When he announced he was…
March 18, 2022
Boss of the Quarter March 2022 Beth came in as executive director in October and from the beginning has tried to uplift spirits. She brings snacks for staff and hands out gift cards, putting smiles on all faces. Beth joins activities with other managers to engage with residents. She’s been a blessing for Randall.